Sunday, June 12, 2016

Because of Mama, I'm an Artist.

So thankful for a mother that exposed me to the arts!!!!!! Because of her, I have a healthy appreciation for a wide range of music, theatre, and many other artistic expressions of culture and humanism. Because of her, I have a beautiful love affair with the pen. Because of her, I had a chance to be center stage with natural talent and cultivated confidence. Because of her, I have a beautiful memory of colors, shapes, and textures.
Thank you, Mama. You are the reason why I consider myself an artist.
And special thanks to Scroggins Elementary's fine arts department. In my other life, I had the opportunity to draw, paint, tile, sculpt, and weave. You made the first ten years of my life, rich with color!
P.S. A lot of people don't know this... I actually placed in a city wide contest when I was a kid. And if I have to say what I miss the most about seeing, it would be the beautiful art that God has painted and sculpted the world with.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Mama and the Baby (Part One)

At least two times in the recent months, I dreamt of Mama and a beautiful baby girl. The first time I had the dream was right after Mama died. I wondered who was this beautiful baby. She didn’t appear to be mine, but it was clear she was loved by me. After awaking, I figured it was the child of a close family member.

I don’t believe the baby belonged to my sister, Kim. My sister was in the dream and wasn’t eager at all about comforting the baby when the child was getting fussy. She walked out the room and my mother and didn’t seem to get upset with her for ignoring the baby’s cries.

The baby had a light complexion like me, a head full of black, wavy hair like my nieces, and a feisty manner like my sister, Paula. In the dream, my mother obviously adored her. She was smiling from ear to ear as she looked upon this gorgeous girl.

In the dream, my mother got a kick out of the baby fussing when she was waiting for me to give her bottle. My mother thought it was so cute how the baby was kicking her legs and grimacing at me when I was moving too slow for the baby’s impatient demand for milk. As soon as I popped the bottle in the baby’s mouth, the baby ceased the crying and started eating like she had never eaten before. My mother laughed even harder.

When I woke up from the dream, I quickly skimmed over my memory of the dream. I wondered whose baby that was. I remember how cute she was.

But what I remembered the most from the dream was my mother’s smile and the sound of her laughter. That warmed my heart. Even though it was a dream, I was glad to see a smile on my mother’s face and hear joy spring from her heart.

For weeks, the dream stayed with me. I cherished the smile on my mother’s face, but wondered who was this mystery baby.